Fremdsprachenassistenz am CHG

My name is Ella, I’m 23 years old and I’m from a town in the west of Ireland called Ennis. In my free time I enjoy playing music, swimming and surfing at the beaches near where I live. I have just completed a four-year degree studying German, Irish and Linguistics. I plan on starting a masters to become a language teacher next year when I return home to Ireland. I completed my Erasmus year in Bonn in 2020/21 and thoroughly enjoyed my time there so I am really looking forward to returning to Germany!

During my time at Carl-Humann-Gymnasium, I would like to get involved with students as much as possible. I will use any opportunity to speak English with the students and assist them where I can. I would also be interested in getting involved in any language clubs or extra-curricular opportunities to help students. I am also very passionate about music and am hoping to send my guitar to Germany so I could also maybe join students in any bands or music projects that the school may have.

As I am planning to pursue a teaching career, I am looking forward to experiencing a teaching environment and I am also hoping to improve my German skills and my confidence in speaking the language during my time in Germany. I’m excited to meet the staff and students at Carl-Humann-Gymnasium and start my work in the school!

Einschulung 2024

Wie traditionell üblich, haben wir auch zum Beginn diesen Schuljahres unsere neuen Fünfer-Jahrgänge begrüßt mit einem Einschulungsgottesdienst in ökumenischer Gemeinschaft in der Kirche St. Laurentius

Schülerrat wählt neue Schülervertretung (SV)

Der Schülerrat hat in seiner ersten Sitzung zum Schuljahresanfang getagt und nicht nur eine neue Schülervertretung, sondern auch ein neues Vertrauenslehrerteam gewählt. Als neue Schülersprecherin

In Erinnerung an
Sven Meyer

Die Schulgemeinschaft des Carl-Humann-Gymnasiums trauert um ihren ehemaligen Schüler Sven Meyer. Sven wurde im August 2015 am CHG als Sextaner eingeschult. Nach erfolgreicher Abiturprüfung hat