Von Großbritannien bis ins Klassenzimmer: Unsere neue Fremdsprachenassistentin stellt sich vor

Hi! I’m Damien, the new FLA (Foreign Language Assistant) here at CHG. I would like to briefly introduce myself to you all; I thought it would be fun to do so by answering some questions I’ve been asked recently.

Who are you?

My full name is Damien River Byford, but you can just call me Damien! I’m 20 years old and I come from a city called Chelmsford, which is about half an hour from London by train. I study ‘Modern and Medieval Languages’ at the University of Cambridge – more specifically, I study German and Spanish. This is my third year, in which all language students have to do a mandatory ‘Year Abroad’. I’m here to improve my German, and, of course, to help the students of CHG with English.

Why German? Did you choose German willingly?

I chose to learn German at secondary school because I found it easier than French. Then I just never stopped learning German! I think German is a really fascinating and versatile language, which is unfortunately highly underrated in the UK (the vast majority of students learn French or Spanish instead). Now I specialise in 18th– and 19th-century German literature at university – this year I’ll be working on a translation of Heinrich Heine’s play Almansor into English for my ‘Year Abroad Project’, which will contribute to my final grade when I graduate in 2026.

Do you like it here so far?

I’ve visited Germany five times before, but only ever for a week or so at a time, so living here for a whole year is a dream come true. I have found Essen really cool so far – the public transport runs much better than in England, I’m impressed by the amount of green spaces and by how accessible cultural events like ballet and opera are (especially with a student discount), I love how easy it is to get to other nearby cities or to spend the afternoon in a pretty suburb, and I really appreciate the warm welcome I’ve received here at CHG in particular!

What are your hobbies?

I love reading and listening to music – I’m trying to read more German books and listen to more German music, so please let me know if you have any recommendations! I also love figure skating – I actually work at an ice rink back home – but unfortunately I couldn’t fit my skates into my suitcase, so I’m hoping to try out some different sports/other hobbies while I’m here.

I also love travelling and getting to know people from around the world. So far I’ve been lucky enough to see some local sights and meet some cool people thanks to the Erasmus Student Network. I intend to make the most of what Essen and the surrounding areas have to offer and regularly visit museums, galleries, theatres, and so on!

What will you be doing here at CHG?

I’ll be sitting in on English classes, helping with any questions about English grammar, vocab, or pronunciation, and generally providing the opportunity to speak English with a native speaker (I know from experience that ‘speaking’ a language being able to communicate fluently with native speakers can be two very different things!). I really hope that I’ll be able to bring some fun and novelty to everyone’s English-learning experience and to offer some extra insight into British culture in particular. I can’t wait to immerse myself in school life and I’m really looking forward to getting to know everyone!

Thank you all again for welcoming me to your school!

See you soon!



An diesem Wochenende haben wir – Julius, Konstantin, Tom und Anton – am Bundesfinale der Alympiade (Bundesweiter Mathe Wettbewerb) teilgenommen. An zwei Tagen haben wir