
Last week our class went canoeing with our teachers Mrs Felbecker and Mr Tschech. We went to the SV Steele. There we first got a tutorial on land. Our coaches Klaus and Nils told us the rules. Then we all got life jackets and paddles and then we placed the boats into the water. Nils taught us to get into the boat, steer and turn it. There were four children in one boat. One was the cox and the other three paddled. After a lot of exercises we we had a picnic and ate our food. Then we made a tour from Steele to Horst, we paddled more than two hours. The current was very strong and it was difficult to paddle against it. But nobody capsized. On the way we played some games, that was very funny. We worked together as a team. When we came back we cleaned the boats and went swimming in the swimming-pool or played on the lawn. It was a great day.
(Mona, Finja, Mark, Line,Tom, Bruno)

It was the coolest and funniest day of my life. The coaches were very friendly and funny. I was very scared to get into the canoe because I didn´t want to fall into the water. It was a long tour but it was ok.

It was awesome. First it was scary for me but then it was sooo coool. When you let the boat into the water you must keep the rope tight!

 We had so much fun. The day was the coolest of the world.

I was very excited because it was the first time I went canoeing in a Canadian with four seats. (I was in a boat with Mrs Felbecker, Anton and Colm. Mrs Felbecker thought it was a wellness boat.)

Fotos: Felbecker

Abi-Vegas am CHG

Am Ende haben sie sich nicht verpokert: 73 Schülerinnen und Schüler des Carl-Humann-Gymnasiums erhielten am Donnerstag, 27. Juni 2024 im Festsaal des Hotel Franz an