Grußbotschaft von Annette Akankwasa, Kitokolo – Uganda

12thJune 2018

To: The Administration, staff and students of Carl-Humann-Gymnasium


On behalf of the Board of Directors, the project staff, children and the community, I bring you greetings from Kitokolo village, and do extend our heartfelt thanks for the collaboration we have had over the years.  Your contributions and support have from time to time improved the study environment of the children at the project school.

The support received from your institution was invested in improving the education of our children; we purchased more text books, improved on the library building, fixed book shelves, tables and benches, and put 4 cardboards in different classes.

Thank you for being friends of Kitokolo, for saving and sharing your resources with us. The years I have worked with this project, I have seen improved lives among the beneficiaries of the support received from Germany. The successful children, now young adults are always grateful!

I acknowledge the support of the school administration; by Mr. Stefan Uhlmann and the former head teacher accorded to this partnership.

Our appreciation also goes to Mrs. Claudia Gheno for upholding the partnership. Her collaboration with us and Mrs. Claudia Seiperman is a blessing.

I had an opportunity to visit your school in 2010 shortly after the partnership had started through David Bettenworth a young man then and a student at your school, and in 2013. I was delighted to meet with your school administrators and to make a presentation in the classes Mrs. Gheno taught then. The interactions were so enriching and I do bear wonderful memories of the visit. I look forward to visit again in the near future.

I would like to invite you for a visit to our project. You are all welcome; administrators, staff and students. Your visit to Uganda would enlighten you more of how vital the support we receive is. You only need to visit one other rural school and would appreciate the donations given to Kitokolo project. You could also send us persons interested in volunteering with us and having an experience in the African life style.

I learned of the thanks giving at your school with intent to support Kitokolo. I would like to mention that we will further use the support to better education. The focus is to buy a projector to accompany our computer lab (with lap tops from Labdoo in Germany) to enhance presentations to students, during staff trainings and for presentations in community health sensitization.  We also need to put furniture in the computer lab and so your support will be a blessing in our services to the people.

I wish you all the best in the remaining months of 2018; to the students as you prepare to cross over to the next levels in the New Year, to the staff and the entire administration, thank you so much!

Kind regards.

Yours sincerely;

Annette Akankwasa (ED)

Kitokolo project (HONU)

Und hier die deutsche Zusammenfassung

Grußbotschaft von Annette Akankwasa, Kitokolo – Uganda, 12. Juni 2018
(übersetzt und zusammengefasst von C.Gheno)

Frau Akankwasa übermittelt im Namen der Schule in Kitokolo herzliche Grüße an das Carl-Humann-Gymnasium und bedankt sich für die langjährige Hilfe und Zusammenarbeit.

Die Spenden wurden vor allem in die Ausbildung der Schüler und Schülerinnen investiert, in den Kauf von Schulbüchern, den Ausbau der Bibliothek und die Ausstattung der Klassenräume mit Bänken und Tischen.

Ausdrücklich betont Frau Akankwasa die Bedeutung dieser Hilfe für die Ausbildung der jungen Menschen.

Gerne erinnert sie sich an ihre Besuche am CHG 2010, kurz nach dem Beginn der Partnerschaft, und 2013. Bei beiden Besuchen hatte sie Gelegenheit, zu Schulklassen zu sprechen und Kitokolo vorzustellen. Sie freut sich auf einen Besuch in naher Zukunft.

Frau Akankwasa lädt Sie alle ein, das Projekt zu besuchen und sich selbst davon zu überzeugen, wie wichtig unsere Unterstützung ist. Auch bietet sie an, freiwillige Helfer aufzunehmen, um ihnen den „African lifestyle“ nahezubringen.

Zur Zeit liegt der Schwerpunkt auf der Anschaffung eines Beamers für den Computerraum. Dieser soll sowohl von den Schülern und Schülerinnen als auch von den Mitarbeitern genutzt werden, z.B. im Bereich Gesundheitsvorsorge.

Frau Akankwasa wünscht allen Abiturientinnen und Abiturienten, allen Lehrerinnen und Lehrern und der Schulleitung für die Zukunft alles Gute und schließt in diese guten Wünsche nochmals ihren Dank für die Hilfe ein.


Die Bibliothek in Kitokolo


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