Alumni Association

“Association of former teachers and pupils of the Carl-Humann-Gymnasium”, or “Alumni Association” for short:

That was – and still is – the name of the association, which was founded on July 6, 1949 in the former Plückthun ice cream parlor.

In addition to regular meetings and get-togethers, the association also set itself the goal of supporting the school. At the annual meeting at the Steeler Ruderclub in 1966, for example, a generous donation was made to the CHG for science lessons.

After a long period of silence, a group of committed members decided to re-establish the association. This was celebrated in November 1986 with a lavish party in the Steeler Stadtgarten with around 600 guests.

At the same time, the “Humann-Kurier” was launched, which was initially published semi-annually and then annually. We have now reached the 47th edition in 2022.

Tasks and goals:

The association sees its task in

to support the Carl-Humann-Gymnasium financially in order to enable it to carry out educational and cultural tasks beyond the scope of the budget (see statutes §2, 1)

to maintain and promote the connection of former teachers and pupils of the Carl-Humann-Gymnasium to each other and to the Carl-Humann-Gymnasium. (see statutes §2, 3)

In recent years, support for the school has included

  • Grants (sometimes in the four-digit range) for larger purchases such as projectors in classrooms or mobile stage elements for school events
  • Financial support for excursions, e.g. the trip to the Auschwitz memorial in the sixth form

The cohesion of the alumni is supported by

  • the Humann-Kurier, which is sent to every member every year and is also available digitally (set link)
  • Alumni reunions and visits by alumni

” Without the commitment of the individual to the community, every community is overwhelmed in the long run”. (Roman Herzog, former Federal President)


Join the association. We welcome every new member.


For the Board of Directors: Claudia Gheno, 1st Chairwoman



Humann-Kurier Nr.47


Management Board

Claudia Gheno
1st Chairwoman

Michael Menge, 2nd Chairman

Martin Menge, Treasurer

Laura Andrić, Secretary